Thursday, July 22, 2010

Belly Pictures

So I forgot to ask Omar to take some pictures yesterday...I took a couple myself this morning! Not the best photography, but gives you an idea of what is happening with the belly :)

He was moving while I was taking pictures.

This baby is now about 15 inches long from head to foot, weighs around 2 lbs, and can do everything a newborn can (suck his thumb, blink his eyes, kick his legs, practice "breathing") BUT he would still have a very difficult time if he were born now. He just doesn't have enough fat on his body, and his brain is not as sophisticated (can't regulate body temperature, for instance, or breathe rhythmically).

Another note: If you look at my belly, the area from my shirt to about 2 inches below is my stomach. It is squished. This is why after eating dinner, I look a LOT bigger, but I can't actually fit very much in there. Everything below that space is pure baby. I even feel him moving above my belly button now.

He is big enough now that he can't hide in my pelvis and kick my bottom, like he used to :) Now I can actually harrass him by pushing on one side of my belly button and feeling him squirm to the other side. I can tell he has been practicing breathing because he has been getting hiccups more frequently. This comes from swallowing amniotic fluid.

I remember the University of Houston nurse asking me at 12 weeks if I wanted "to keep this pregnancy." I had already seen his little legs and arms in an ultrasound! I was so shocked that I actually didn't understand her the first time! This is not a "pregnancy." This is a baby, and I am in awe of how God is knitting him together!


  1. Aww you look so cute... glad you are doing well...
    rachael b

  2. Awww! As I expected, you are about the same size as I am, and I'm a month behind you. :-) I think I look even bigger because certain other parts of me have been expanding too. :-P You look great! I hope you're feeling good too!

  3. Congrats! I had no idea you were pregnant. Being a mom is such a joy! You are really cute in your belly pics!
