Monday, August 16, 2010

Ultrasound Results

Well, it isn't good news. Baby's stomach is now 4 weeks behind in development, and he is now in the 15% size range for his age. On Wednesday I will be 32 weeks, and he only weighs 2 lbs and 14 oz. Now my doctor and the high risk OB on staff are talking about delivering him at 34 weeks the latest. In that scenario, he would then spend a couple weeks in the hospital (until 36 weeks).

Next week we will have another ultrasound, this time with the high risk OB, to check on him again. The more he gets behind, the sooner they need to deliver him.

Meanwhile, there's nothing in particular that I can do to make up for my inefficient placenta, but the doctor has decided to put me on bedrest orders just in case that can help.

Other vital signs - heartbeat, movement, umbilical cord bloodflow- are all still good, but they will continue to monitor these as well in case something changes and the baby shows distress.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update Joanna, we continue to pray for a miracle, trusting that our Lord will manifest his power and glory in a beautiful way. When there's absolutely nothing we can do, we depend on Him completely and "His power is made perfect in our weakness".

    "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful" (Heb. 10:23)

    Thinking of you three!

    Alex and Ligia
