Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Little Update

All of you people are incredible! I've been telling David he has no idea how much love he's already receiving!
The next ultrasound appointment isn't set yet, but I'm expecting sometime next week. That's when we will have a more substantial update on whether his stomach is catching up and he's gaining weight. This week I am just going to baby monitoring appointments where the nurses hook me up to baby heartbeat monitors and contractions monitors to see how things are going. He's been very active, which is a sign of a healthy baby!
Also, today I have been abnormally hungry...I had lunch three times! I bet that means he's growing :)
We've been getting ready for him with childbirth classes and buying his carseat and moses basket. I kind of set up a registry at amazon under "Joanna Calderon and Omar Calderon" if you'd like to help out! It is "kind of" set up because there are things we have to wait until he is born to buy because we don't know if he'll be premie or we registered for the very obvious necessities and a couple fun things :)

It's crazy how fast time is flying now! Please pray for Omar and me that we are also emotionally prepared as a couple to have a new member in our family. We want to be ready to face anything together and not have the stress/anxiety/sleeplessness/hospital bills and everything else wear us down in how we support each other and show love to each other every day. So far, we are doing well! But we need prayer protection.

Thank you!!!

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