Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trying something new

I am finally updating the wedding website link in my email profile and replacing it with this blog, which will have updates on our married life and pregnancy!

This week baby David is supposed to gain 6 oz, so it's no wonder that I just completed my second breakfast and that I've been feeling him move a lot more. Last night I dreamt there was a woman who told me she couldn't have children, and as she was talking, I kept interrupting her and saying, "No, you're wrong! You're already pregnant because I can feel your baby moving right now!" A minute later I woke up and realized it was MY baby that seemed to be competing in a boxing match inside of me. It wasn't just kicks, but somersaults and punches and head butting and everything else imaginable for about 30 minutes. I probably could have gone back to sleep, but it was too wonderful and exciting for me.
Other times David loves to exercise:

during loud, explosive movies like Iron Man II (but we were worried it disturbed him. Poor little guy!)
during traffic
during particularly wretched violin student performances of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
during the church service -- Sunday morning is his fiesta time
when Omar touches my belly and prays for him (EEE)


  1. Eeeee!! I bet he is Irish step dancing in there. GOOD BLOG!

  2. Haha! That is funny that your dream incorporated the boxing match. I know what you mean about it being exciting...it keeps me up sometimes too, and I start giggling. :-) Little girlie likes to exercise when I go to sleep at night and when I start work in the morning. She also loves sugar and starts kicking whenever I have sweets. I have read that they can get startled at this point, so Iron Man may have freaked him out!

  3. This is such a beautiful and exciting time, enjoy it to the fullest!
    When we used to watch action packed movies and baby would get startled, I would hum a soothing song and rub my belly ... it would calm her instantly... it was cute :)

    hugs to you,
    from the three of us :)
