Thursday, June 24, 2010

Becoming the Ultimate Klutz

Since last week (week 23), I have been dropping, tipping, and spilling things left and right. Because it started happening so suddenly, I am still not used to it, and it feels like my body just gives up on basic motor skills at key moments.
I decided to post about this after what happened last night. We were cleaning up after dinner, and I had just finished wiping down our glass table with windex and paper towels. As I came into the kitchen to put the windex away, the bottle shot out of my hand, across the countertop, and straight into our water glasses. Omar, who was standing right next to me, looked at me like I was crazy and said, "What are you trying to do?"
I started laughing because it was so ridiculous that I was trying to fling the windex across the room. He made me write a note on the refrigerator reminding myself to "be careful when picking things up, putting things down, or when moving."

When it first started, I was making dinner for another couple at our house, and I had to reach for something in our top cabinet above the stove, where Omar keeps his beer. Naturally, a bottle of Shiner Bock came crashing down onto the kitchen floor...somehow staying in one piece, but with the bottle top popped, spraying beer all over the counters and the floor.

Two days ago I had a crazy problem with my other motor skills as well. I was teaching a lesson sitting down. I just slightly reached with my right arm to show my student something in the music, and I completely lost my balance. I remember the bewildered look on her face as I started tumbling towards her and grabbing at the stand to catch my fall from my chair. She is extremely excited about the baby, but trying to explain my physical awkwardness was really embarrassing.

So what is the deal? Do 10 pounds around the middle really do so much damage to my sense of balance? Or is it the movable, squirmy 1 pound that upsets things? I looked up my problem online, worried I had some sort of unidentified neurological disorder, and pregnancy websites assure me it is just the combination of "relaxed joints and water retention."
Yesterday I told Omar that maybe I am experiencing this clumsiness so I will be sympathetic with the baby :)... like when he pees on me as I am changing his diaper...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trying something new

I am finally updating the wedding website link in my email profile and replacing it with this blog, which will have updates on our married life and pregnancy!

This week baby David is supposed to gain 6 oz, so it's no wonder that I just completed my second breakfast and that I've been feeling him move a lot more. Last night I dreamt there was a woman who told me she couldn't have children, and as she was talking, I kept interrupting her and saying, "No, you're wrong! You're already pregnant because I can feel your baby moving right now!" A minute later I woke up and realized it was MY baby that seemed to be competing in a boxing match inside of me. It wasn't just kicks, but somersaults and punches and head butting and everything else imaginable for about 30 minutes. I probably could have gone back to sleep, but it was too wonderful and exciting for me.
Other times David loves to exercise:

during loud, explosive movies like Iron Man II (but we were worried it disturbed him. Poor little guy!)
during traffic
during particularly wretched violin student performances of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
during the church service -- Sunday morning is his fiesta time
when Omar touches my belly and prays for him (EEE)